The heads of Maki and Hadash met with the leadership of the Palestinian People’s Party to discuss a joint struggle against the war and the occupation

Written by the Hadash Coaltion – Hadash is the Electorial Front in Israeli Politics (The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality) and has representation in the Israeli Knesset.

Leaders of the Palestinian People’s Party, the Communist Party of Israel and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality meet in Ramallah (Photo: PPP)

Members of the Maki and Hadash leadership met during the month of July with their colleagues in the Palestinian People’s Party – the PPP operating in the occupied Palestinian territories. The meeting, held in Ramallah, was dedicated to discussing the latest developments in the war in Gaza and strengthening cooperation between the parties in the fight against the war and the occupation.

At the meeting, it was agreed that in addition to stopping the war, the most urgent demands are the complete withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, the return of the displaced to their homes, the lifting of the siege on the Strip and the opening of the border crossings for the entry of food, medical equipment and humanitarian aid. Maki, Hadash and the People’s Palestinian Party emphasized that it is not enough to stop the war, and that the conflict will only be resolved with the end of the occupation and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the 67′ borders alongside Israel, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and with the recognition of the Palestinian refugees’ right of return according to UN resolutions.

The participants in the meeting also agreed to strengthen the relationship between the parties and conduct a joint struggle against the war and the occupation. In this framework, the participants emphasized the importance of international solidarity with the Palestinian people and the connection with the communist and socialist parties around the world, which are an important part of the international peace movement.

In addition to the PPP General Secretary Bassam Al-Salihi, a number of other members of the Political Bureau and the Central Committee participated: Asem Abdel Hadi, Fadwa Khader, Afif Ghatasha, Suhail Al-Salman, Fahmi Shaheen, Munjed Aw Jeish, Reda Awadallah, Aql Taqz, Nizam Attaya, and Moataz Al-Sayed. There were also several other party, union, and professional cadres, including Hael Hawarin and Issam Bakr.

See original article here

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